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Simple, accurate health tests for the home and the workplace.

Searching for "drug testing" found 238 results.

Dry January 2024: Tips for a Successful Month

New Year’s resolutions are in full swing every January. With the increasing popularity of Dry January, thousands of people each year decide to go alcohol-free for one month. There are many benefits to reducing your alcohol intake. From saving money to improving your overall health, you can reap the benefits of Dry January by following […]

The Home Health Tests You Can Now Order Online

DIY vitamin deficiency tests have been around for a while but did you know you can order home health tests, too? If you’re too embarrassed to see a doctor or you can’t get to your GP, DIY health tests can help to alleviate your concerns or give you more information to make necessary lifestyle changes. […]

How to do a Sperm Test at Home Privately

sperm test at home

  Men now represent half of all fertility cases in clinics and requests for sperm tests at home have increased. A study in 2017 found that the percentage of men needing fertility treatment has almost doubled in the past decade from 12.4% to 21.3%. There are many reasons why male infertility could be on the […]

Urine Collection Bag 100mL Specimen, Sample Bags

urine specimen bag

100mL Urine Collection Bag. A cheap alternative for the collection of urine samples to use with any urine based diagnostic testing kit.

Features and Benefits

  • Holds approximately 100ml of liquid
  • The specimen bag comes with a grip seal to stop any leakage

Browse our range of urine collection bags, or alternatively, take a look at our full range of medical accessories.

Diabetes complications

What complications can develop from diabetes? Health complications can occur when diabetes is not kept under control. These can range from mild to very serious so it’s very important to routinely test glucose levels and attend regular check ups. Please use the list below to familiarise yourself with common complications, symptoms and ways to prevent […]


What is sinusitis? The sinuses are the air-filled cavities located behind your cheekbones and forehead. Sinusitis is the inflammation and swelling of the lining of the sinuses. There are 4 types of sinusitis: acute, subacute, chronic and recurrent. Acute sinusitis describes the sudden onset of cold like symptoms which include a stuffy nose and facial […]

How to treat & spot the symptoms of abscesses in dogs

Abscesses can be nasty, especially in pets. Spotting the signs and symptoms is the key to ensuring they don’t cause serious health issues. They can be prevalent in dogs who spend a lot of time outdoors. Dogs like to explore, which can put them in environments where they may be exposed to sharp objects, including […]

Feline Coronavirus (FCoV) and Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

What is Feline Coronavirus (FCoV)? Feline coronavirus is a common virus that mainly affects the intestinal tract. Neither FCoV nor FIP are transmissible to dogs, humans, or other species. What are the symptoms of FCoV? In most cases, it will cause mild diarrhoea, but in some cases, no symptoms at all. The lack of symptoms […]

Allergies in Cats

What is an allergy? An allergy occurs when the immune system overreacts to an everyday substance, seeing it as potentially dangerous. The body tries to rid itself of this substance, known as an allergen, by releasing histamine causing the area affected to become hot swollen and itchy.  Allergens can cause a reaction when inhaled, swallowed […]

Allergies in Dogs

What is an allergy? An allergy occurs when the immune system overreacts to an everyday substance, seeing it as potentially dangerous. The body tries to rid itself of this substance, known as an allergen, by releasing histamine causing the area affected to become hot swollen and itchy.  Allergens can cause a reaction when inhaled, swallowed […]

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)

What is Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)? Feline Immunodeficiency Virus effects the body’s ability to develop a normal immune response to disease and infection. It is similar to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) but neither virus can be transmitted from Human to cat or visa versa. What are the symptoms of FIV? A cat with FIV may […]

Alcohol Breathalyser AL7000 Digital Breath Test Breathalyzer Kit

Drink driving limits as displayed by this breathalyser

The England, Wales & Northern Ireland Drink Drive Reading is 0.350mg/l on the AL7000 Unit we supply. For Scotland, Ireland & France its 0.220mg/l

For more information on the effects of alcohol click here.