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Searching for "bite" found 84 results.

Allergies in Dogs

What is an allergy? An allergy occurs when the immune system overreacts to an everyday substance, seeing it as potentially dangerous. The body tries to rid itself of this substance, known as an allergen, by releasing histamine causing the area affected to become hot swollen and itchy.  Allergens can cause a reaction when inhaled, swallowed […]

Nappy rash

What is nappy rash? Nappy rash is a very common skin condition that causes redness to the area covered by a nappy. Nearly all babies will be affected by nappy rash at some time. Mild cases will probably not cause your baby pain or discomfort, however if it gets worse your baby could become distressed. […]

Ear (Aural) Hematoma

What is an aural hematoma? An aural hematoma is a pool of blood that collects underneath the skin of the external part of a pet’s ear or ear flap.  Both cats and dogs can suffer aural hematomas but it is more common in dogs. A hematoma develops from either a direct trauma or from violent […]

Leptospirosis (Lepto) in Dogs (lcterohaemorrhagiae (Weil’s Disease)/Canicola/Bratislave)

What is Leptospirosis? Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection spread via the urine of infected animals such as rats, wildlife and dogs. Although there are over 200 known strains (serovar) around the world, only 8 effect dogs and cats with only 2 commonly found in the UK. Weil’s Disease is a strain of Leptospirosis with the […]

Rabies in Cats, Dogs and other Animals?

Rabies in Cats, Dogs and other Animals? Rabies in cats dogs is very common but it can also be found in all mammals and humans. Rabies is a severe and most often fatal virus which effects the central nervous system and brain. In many countries, including the UK, USA, India, Malaysia and Hong Kong, it […]

Liver Disease in Dogs

What is liver disease? The liver is an essential organ, vital in sustaining the health and life of your pet.  It undertakes many vital functions such as removing toxins from the blood, manufacturing proteins needed for blood clotting, the breakdown of drugs and digestion of nutrients. Liver disease is the result of an abnormally functioning […]

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)

What is Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)? Feline Immunodeficiency Virus effects the body’s ability to develop a normal immune response to disease and infection. It is similar to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) but neither virus can be transmitted from Human to cat or visa versa. What are the symptoms of FIV? A cat with FIV may […]

Feline Calicivirus Infection (FCV) (vsFCV) (VSD)

If you’re concerned your cat may have contracted a Feline Calicivirus Infection, you can find the answers and information you seek here.  At Home Health UK, we are the experts on health and well-being for both people and pets, and it is our mission to supply the information and health tests you need to live […]

Ehrlichiosis in Dogs / tracker dog disease / tropical canine pancytopenia / canine hemorrhagic fever / canine typhus

What is Ehrlichiosis? Ehrlichiosis is a disease caused by a type of bacteria called Ehrlichia and is commonly transmitted by ticks. The disease is also known as ‘tracker dog disease’, ‘tropical canine pancytopenia’, ‘canine hemorrhagic fever’ and ‘canine typhus’. Ehrlichia bacteria initially infects white blood cells. What are the symptoms? The symptoms and severity of […]

Distemper in Dogs / Canine Distemper (CDV)

What is Distemper? Distemper is a serious viral illness for which there is no known cure.  The virus is spread through the air or through indirect contact with an infected animal via bedding or shared feeding bowls and utensils. What are the symptoms? Approximately 1 week after initial contact with the virus the first symptoms […]

Canine Parainfluenza Virus (CPIV)

If you’re concerned about your dog’s health, or ‘kennel cough’ in particular, find the information and advice you seek here. At Home Health UK, we are pleased to offer a wide variety of pet health pharmaceuticals, to help you expertly treat your four-legged friends.  What is Canine Parainfluenza? Canine parainfluenza virus (CPIV) is a highly […]

Feline AIDS (FIV) and Leukaemia Virus (FeLV) Home Blood Test 10 Tests

cat distemper test

Check your cat’s health at home with our Feline AIDS (FIV) and Leukaemia Virus (FeLV) Home Blood Test Kit. Get highly accurate results in just 10 minutes, allowing you to monitor your cat’s health conveniently. This kit can utilise serum, plasma, or whole blood samples, providing flexibility in testing. It detects both Immunodeficiency and Leukaemia Virus, offering comprehensive screening for your cat’s well-being. With a minimum 6-month expiry period, you can rely on this test for consistent results. Please note that this kit is primarily intended for use by veterinarians and medical professionals due to the need for a blood sample.

  • Highly accurate results within 10 minutes
  • Can use serum, plasma or whole blood
  • Detects both Immunodeficiency & Leukaemia Virus in cats
  • Time to expiry will be at least 6 months
  • Intended chiefly for use by Vets and medical professionals, as a blood sample is required