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Searching for "anaemia" found 40 results.


What are Antibiotics? Antibiotics are commonly prescribed medicines used to treat or prevent all types of bacterial infections from mild conditions like acne, to life threatening conditions like pneumonia. They do not work against viral infections such as flu, common cold and chicken pox.  You are also unlikely to be prescribed antibiotics for mild bacterial […]

Intestinal Worms in Cats

What are intestinal worms? There are eight different types of intestinal worms which can infect your cat, with the two most common types being roundworms and tapeworms. Hookworms are also becoming more common. All pose a serious health risk to your cat if they go untreated. Roundworms (Toxocara cati and Toxascaris leonina) There are two […]

Feline Coronavirus (FCoV) and Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

What is Feline Coronavirus (FCoV)? Feline coronavirus is a common virus that mainly affects the intestinal tract. Neither FCoV nor FIP are transmissible to dogs, humans, or other species. What are the symptoms of FCoV? In most cases, it will cause mild diarrhoea, but in some cases, no symptoms at all. The lack of symptoms […]

Intestinal Worms in Dogs

What are intestinal worms? There are four types of intestinal worms.  All pose a serious health risk to your dog if they go untreated, with roundworm being the most serious.  Other types of intestinal worms found in the UK are hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms. Dogs can become infected by their mother, contaminated soil or consuming […]

Inflammatory bowel disease – Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis

What is inflammatory bowel disease? Inflammatory bowel disease is the chronic inflammation of all or part of your digestive system(gut). Inflammatory bowel disease is the term used for two conditions, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Both conditions can be debilitating and lead to complications. What is the difference between inflammatory bowel disease and ulcerative colitis? […]

Feline Cat Panleukopenia Virus Infection (FPV) / feline infectious enteritis (FIE) / feline or cat distemper

What is Feline Cat Panleukopenia Virus Infection? Feline Cat Panleukopenia Virus is more commonly known as feline or cat distemper.  It is also know as feline infectious enteritis (FIE). This virus attacks the blood cells, which can lead to anemia and other viral or bacterial infections. Only cats can be infected by FPV. What are […]

Ehrlichiosis in Dogs / tracker dog disease / tropical canine pancytopenia / canine hemorrhagic fever / canine typhus

What is Ehrlichiosis? Ehrlichiosis is a disease caused by a type of bacteria called Ehrlichia and is commonly transmitted by ticks. The disease is also known as ‘tracker dog disease’, ‘tropical canine pancytopenia’, ‘canine hemorrhagic fever’ and ‘canine typhus’. Ehrlichia bacteria initially infects white blood cells. What are the symptoms? The symptoms and severity of […]

Cat leukaemia or feline leukaemia virus (FeLV)

What is Cat Leukaemia? Cat leukaemia or feline leukaemia virus (FeLV), is a disease which impairs a cat’s immune system leaving it vulnerable to a variety of diseases and infections, as well as causing certain types of cancer. It is a retrovirus which means it is species specific, and so can only infect cats. There […]

Thyroid Gland (TSH)

The Thyroid Gland? The thyroid gland is a small butterfly shaped gland which can be found in the front of your neck just in front of the windpipe, below the Adam’s apple. This is where hormones are produced and released into the bloodstream. The major hormones the thyroid gland makes are called T4 or thyroxine and […]

Feline AIDS (FIV) and Leukaemia Virus (FeLV) Home Blood Test 20 Tests

cat distemper test
  • Highly accurate results within 10 minutes
  • Can use serum, plasma or whole blood
  • Detects both Immunodeficiency & Leukaemia Virus in cats
  • Time to expiry will be at least 6 months
  • Intended chiefly for use by Vets and medical professionals, as a blood sample is required

Kidney Function Test | Urine Testing Strip Kits | 5 Tests

kidney test strips

This test is intended to detect the presence of Creatinine, Specific gravity and Protein in the urine. These are indicators which if detected by using this test may indicate the presence of kidney disease.

For more information about the kidney click here.

Browse our selection of kidney function self-tests or our full range of home health testing kits.

Glandular fever

What is glandular fever? Glandular fever, also called infectious mononucleosis, is a viral infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, the name comes from the British researchers who first discovered it. The Epstein-Barr virus is part of the herpes group of viruses and is very common, however, like the other herpes viruses you may be infected […]