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Searching for "liver" found 206 results.

Malaria and Symptoms of Malaria

Malaria is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease of the blood, approximately a million-people die from it every year. In Africa, a child dies every 30 seconds from malaria. Fortunately, malaria is preventable and can be treated. The symptoms of malaria typically start 1-4 weeks after being infected. What causes Malaria? Malaria is caused by a […]


The majority of people have heard of leukaemia and understand that it is a form of cancer affecting the blood. Before we explain what leukaemia is, it is helpful to have some knowledge about where blood is made and what it is made up of. What is bone marrow? Bone marrow is a soft spongy […]


What is hepatitis? Hepatitis is an inflammation (swelling and tenderness) of the liver, an organ which is essential to life. If the liver does not function properly, it can cause serious illness. Hepatitis is usually caused by a virus, but other factors like drugs, alcohol and toxins may play a role. There are several viruses […]

Healthy Balanced Diet

What is a healthy balanced diet? This section contains details on what a healthy diet should consist of and why each vitamin and mineral is an essential part of staying healthy. The majority of people in this country eat too much fat and not enough fibre and for most people a healthy diet is simple […]


What is gout? Gout is a painful type of arthritis that can attack both large and small joints, though it usually only attacks one joint at a time. The condition usually begins with pain in the big toe. Other joints that are affected include the wrists, fingers, ankles, knees and elbows. Gout has been around […]


What are gallstones ? Gallstones are solid pieces of material that form in the gallbladder. They look like gravel or small stones and may be as small as grains of sand or as large as a golf ball. The majority of stones are less than the size of a pea and may take years to […]


What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a soft waxy substance and is an essential body fat (lipid), that is carried around the body in the blood, it can be found in all the body’s cells. Only a small amount of the cholesterol in the body comes from your diet, it is mostly made in the body […]


What is anaphylaxis? Anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock is a rare but serious condition, it is the end result of a severe allergic reaction. The reaction affects the whole body, causing a sudden drop in blood pressure and narrowing of the airways. What causes anaphylaxis? Anaphylaxis is caused by an extreme sensitivity to an allergen. The […]

Food allergies

What is a food allergy? Food allergies are fortunately quite rare. They usually affect young children and people who suffer other allergies. Children occasionally become sensitive to foods, such as cow’s milk and eggs during their first year of life. Luckily, most children will grow out of these sensitivities in a couple of years. However, […]

Insect bites and pet allergies

Insect bites Almost everyone is familiar with the discomfort of insect bites, especially during the summer months. For most people an insect bite does not present any alarming problems apart from a little pain and irritation, however, there is a small minority of people who suffer allergic reactions to insect bites, known as Hymenoptera and […]

Everything You Need to Know About PMS and PMT

Many women experience physical and emotional changes just before and during their period. These symptoms, which usually begin 7-14 days before a period, are known as either Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) or Pre-Menstrual Tension (PMT).  Did you know that approximately 1 in 3 women suffer mild or severe symptoms of PMS/PMT? If you’re looking for further […]

Obstetric Cholestasis(OC)/Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP)

What is the liver? The liver is by far the largest organ in the body, it is situated in the upper  abdomen and is protected from injury by the rib cage. The liver has many important functions. What is Obstetric Cholestasis? Obstetric Cholestasis (OC), or intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) is a complication of pregnancy […]