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How Covid-19 Affects Different Blood Types and What You Can Do


Recent research suggests that certain blood types are more likely to contract Covid-19 and suffer severe symptoms of Covid-19 than other types. This article looks at the results of four studies from around the world, what they mean and what you can do about it.

covid-19 blood type












One study, which was carried out by scientists in China, analysed the blood types of 2,173 patients with the COVID-19 virus. The findings found that the “blood group A had a significantly higher risk for [contracting] COVID-19 compared with non-A blood groups.” A similar study in Italy and Spain echoed the results with the same findings.


Another study, conducted in Canada, found that those with blood groups A and AB were more likely to suffer severe symptoms from Covid-19 or require mechanical ventilation for breathing difficulties. This study was very small, however, and only analysed the blood types of 95 severely ill patients.


A larger analysis was undertaken in Denmark amongst 473,000 people who had tested positive for COVID-19. The results found that patients with the blood group O were at the lowest risk of infection.  The same study also found that people in any blood group who were Rh-negative were also less likely to suffer severe symptoms (or death) from Covid-19.


Should you worry if you have blood type A?


No. Don’t panic. The studies show very small changes in susceptibility and some are yet to be peer reviewed. Just because your blood group may have an increased risk of severe Covid-19 symptoms doesn’t mean that will happen. ‘More likely’ does not mean ‘definitely’. Significance is still relatively small and there are multiple factors at play.


It’s important to remember that it’s standard practice to investigate the impact of a virus on blood types. The blood-type immune-system relationship has been studied for many years to find out why some people are more susceptible or resistant to viruses than others. The results help to inform developments and improvements in treatments and vaccines. It’s a good thing to know which people may need more support.


What can you do to reduce your risk of Covid-19?


What you can do is use this knowledge to help protect yourself and others – just as you would if you were in a vulnerable group.


If you are in the A blood group, take extra precautions with regards to staying at home, reducing contact with others, wearing a mask and socially distancing. And, most importantly, keep yourself healthy. Do what you can to keep your immune system strong with healthy eating, exercise, Vitamin D and good sleep.


If you have blood type O, it’s important that you don’t let your guard down. It does not mean you are protected from Covid-19. You must still follow the current safety measures.


How to find out your blood type quickly at home


If you don’t know your blood type (most people don’t remember unless they have a medical reason or rare blood group), you can easily check at home with a simple test.


The blood test kit below will show you if you are blood type A, B, O, AB or RhD positive or negative. The test uses a lancet which pricks the finger. You then drop the blood onto the card to see the results. (Full instructions come with the test). It’s fast, easy and reliable. BUY NOW


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