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Welcome to Home Health’s Blog, where there is loads of information on  general health, the latest diagnostic test kits being released and fantastic guest posts being written by experts within the health industry.

All of the stories and information we bring to our blog we hope you will enjoy and it will be of interest to everyone.

Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes – what can you do?

Published on 28th March 2018

Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes There isn’t a cure for Type 1 diabetes yet so the primary aim of treatment is to keep blood glucose levels as near to normal as possible. The quicker levels are brought under control the better the long-term health prospects. If you have been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, you will be […]

New blood test to detect 8 types of cancer.

Published on 22nd January 2018

Scientists from the John Hopkins University in America have developed a blood test, called CancerSEEK, which can detect 8 types of cancer.  In a study published in the journal Science, 1005 patients with cancer that had not spread were given the blood test, it was able to detect around 70% of the cancers. The test […]

Type 1 Diabetes

Published on 6th December 2017

What is Type 1 Diabetes? Diabetes (or diabetes mellitus) has two main types: Type 1 and Type 2. In this section we will be talking about Type 1. For more information on Type 2 diabetes, please click here. Type 1 diabetes, also known as insulin dependent diabetes, develops when the insulin producing cells in the pancreas have been destroyed and the body stops producing […]

Super Malaria – a global threat

Published on 26th September 2017

News page September 2017 ‘Super Malaria’ Scientists are becoming very concerned about a “super malaria” parasite which is spreading through South East Asia at an alarming rate. The parasite, spread by mosquitoes cannot be killed with any of the current anti-malaria drugs. The strain was first found in Cambodia back in 2007 but has now […]

Type 2 diabetes prevention for those at high risk

Published on 19th September 2017

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have published an update to the Public Health Guideline on type 2 diabetes. In the UK, there are 3.8 million people living with diabetes, the majority of these have type 2 diabetes. If you have type 2 diabetes you are more at risk of cardiovascular disease […]

Proton beam cancer therapy ‘effective with fewer side effects’

Published on 1st February 2016

A cancer treatment at the centre of an NHS controversy in 2014 causes fewer side effects in children than conventional radiotherapy, according to new research. The study, published in The Lancet Oncology, suggests proton beam therapy is as effective as other treatments. Researchers looked at 59 patients aged between three and 21 from 2003 to […]

Sleepless Nights Might Raise Women’s Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Published on 1st February 2016

Insomnia can disrupt hormones, and may play a role in developing the blood sugar condition, expert says Women who have chronic sleep problems may have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, Harvard researchers report. Problems such as trouble falling or staying asleep, getting less than six hours of sleep, frequent snoring, sleep apnea […]

Home Test for Pre-Eclampsia

Published on 25th November 2015

St Richard’s Hospital in Chichester is testing a home ‘spit’ test for mums to be at risk of pre-eclampsia. Pre-eclampsia is the most common of the serious complications of pregnancy. It is caused by a defect in the placenta, and in the early stages is symptom-less. Pre-eclampsia is currently only detectable by regular antenatal checks […]