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Tips for Relieving Sore Hay Fever Eyes


sore hay fever eyes

One of the worst symptoms of hay fever is itchy and sore eyes. Not only is this feeling irritating and uncomfortable, but with the sun shining, many people want to go out and enjoy summer instead of hiding away from the pollen that causes these itchy eyes. 


In this guide, we explain what causes itchy eyes from hay fever, the best prevention methods, and our top hay fever eye treatments. Learn more about itchy eye hay fever relief and enjoy summer without worrying about itchy eyes with Home Health!


  • Hay Fever in a Nutshell 
  • Itchy Eyes from Hayfever 
  • Ways to Prevent Itchy and Sore Hay Fever Eyes
  • Hay Fever Remedies for Eyes
  • Find Relief for Hay Fever Eyes with Home Health

Hay Fever in a Nutshell 

Hay fever is a common allergy caused by the pollen in the air. Particularly worse in late March to September, hay fever can cause minor allergic reaction symptoms such as:


  • Sneezing and Coughing 
  • Runny or Blocked Nose 
  • Itchy, Red or Watery Eyes
  • Itchy Throat, Mouth, Nose and Ears
  • Loss of Smell 
  • Pain Around the Sides of the Head and Forehead
  • Headaches 
  • Feeling Tired


This guide will focus on the symptoms of itchy eyes caused by hay fever. 

Itchy Eyes from Hayfever 

If you have an allergy to pollen, you may experience itchy and sore eyes. Your eyes could become red, swollen, and more watery than usual. This reaction is an inflammatory response from the body that is caused by histamines in the body. 


Histamines are chemicals released by the immune system in response to allergies. Your itchy and sore eyes are the body’s way of trying to flush out unknown allergens. This is why you commonly take antihistamines when combating hay fever, as this medication will reduce the release of histamine in the body, stopping allergic reaction symptoms, including itchy and sore eyes. 

Ways to Prevent Itchy and Sore Hay Fever Eyes

To get the most out of your summer and avoid itchy eyes from hay fever, why not try some of these prevention methods? They will make not only itchy eyes more manageable but also other hay fever symptoms such as sneezing and runny noses. 

1. Wear Glasses or Sunglasses

Wearing glasses or sunglasses can provide a barrier between your eyes and pollen. Wraparound sunglasses effectively block pollen particles from reaching your eyes, closing any gaps between your face and the edge of the sunglasses. 


If you normally wear contact lenses, it may be better to wear glasses during peak pollen periods, as wearing contact lenses may only irritate your eyes further. 

2. Change Clothes After Being Outside

Pollen particles can cling to your clothes, hair, and skin. We recommend changing your clothes once you get home to avoid spreading pollen particles around your home. You could also shower after going out to effectively remove any remaining pollen particles that may be clinging to your body.

3. Put Vaseline Around Nostrils

Putting Vaseline around your nostrils can create a barrier to stop pollen particles from entering your body through your nose. The Vaseline works by trapping any pollen before it gets into your system. Simply put a small amount of Vaseline around the outer edges of your nostrils before you go outside. 

4. Vacuum and Dust Regularly

Pollen can easily get through any open windows and doors in your home, so it is important that you vacuum and dust regularly. Even if you think there isn’t pollen in your home, you should still clean your home regularly to ensure you aren’t breathing in dust that can irritate you further. 

5. Pollen Filters

If your car isn’t equipped already, you should think about installing pollen filters into your car. With an increase in temperature over summer, everyone loves to put the air conditioning or fan on in the car but this also means blowing pollen into your car and into your face. By adding a pollen filter to your car, any air drawn in from outside can be effectively filtered for pollen before being blown into your face. 

6. Check the Pollen Forecast

The pollen forecast is a good way of checking how high the pollen is predicted to be on a given day. Using a pollen forecast, you easily work out what days may be better to go outside without the worry of getting itchy eyes. 

7. Try to Avoid Peak Pollen Periods

Pollen is normally at its highest during mid-morning and early evening. You should ensure you are inside during these times to minimise the risk of getting hay fever symptoms. If you can’t avoid being outside at these times, you could take antihistamines or other hay fever preventative measures to reduce the effective of any hay fever symptoms you might experience. 

8. Close Windows at Night

As pollen levels can be higher in the evening and night, it is a good idea to close your windows to avoid pollen entering your home. By reducing the amount of pollen in your home, you can sleep well, knowing you won’t be sneezing or itching throughout the night. 

Hay Fever Remedies for Eyes

If you are experiencing itchy eyes from hay fever, we’ve got a few tips for relief for hay fever eyes. From antihistamines to adding honey to your diet, find out the most effective hay fever remedies for eyes. 

1. Antihistamines 

Of course, the most well-known treatment for hay fever, in general, is to use antihistamines. Antihistamines can come in either tablets or nasal sprays, making them accessible to all. You can also get antihistamines in the form of eye drops to target itchy eyes from hay fever directly. Antihistamines reduce the body’s allergy response, specifically focusing on reducing the release of histamine. 

2. Corticosteroid Nasal Sprays 

Although corticosteroid nasal sprays are typically used to control inflammation of the nasal lining, they can also be used to manage itchy and sore eyes, swollen sinuses, and sneezing. You may be able to buy these over the counter, but some need to be prescribed by your doctor. 

3. Eye Drops

You can use a range of eye drops as relief for hay fever eyes, such as antihistamine eye drops, artificial tears, and anti-inflammatory eye drops. These eye drops are an effective hay fever eye treatment as they target the eyes directly, providing instant relief. 

4. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is a natural antioxidant and antihistamine making it perfect for targeting hay fever. You can either make a cup of chamomile tea or you could put a damp chamomile tea bag in the fridge and place the tea bag on your eyes to relieve sore and itchy eyes caused by hay fever. 

5. Local Honey 

A common remedy for hay fever is adding local honey to your diet. The idea of consuming local honey is kind of like exposure therapy. The pollen used to create the honey should be from your local area so eating it will expose your body to the pollen, and your body will become used to the pollen faster, reducing your allergy symptoms, including stopping itchy eyes. 

Find Relief for Hay Fever Eyes with Home Health

Home Health has a range of hay fever treatments to help you get the most out of your summer. From antihistamines to nasal sprays, we have a hay fever treatment for you. Find relief for hay fever eyes with Home Health today!


How to soothe sore eyes from hay fever?

There are a few different hay fever eye treatments that have been found to work effectively, including:


  • Antihistamines
  • Corticosteroid Nasal Sprays 
  • Eye Drops
  • Chamomile Tea
  • Local Honey

Does hay fever make your eyes hurt?

One symptom of hay fever is itchy and sore eyes. This is a common symptom as it is the body’s response to pollen allergy and the release of histamines. To get relief for hay fever eyes, it is a good idea to use hay fever treatments such as antihistamines and eye drops. 

How long do hay fever eyes last?

Typically, itchy eyes from hay fever should only last a few days to a few weeks. Your allergy reaction to pollen should subside after this. One way to reduce the amount of time your hay fever symptoms last is to practice some hay fever preventative measures. These include:


  • Staying inside during peak pollen times
  • Checking the pollen forecast
  • Changing your clothes after coming home
  • Wearing wraparound sunglasses

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