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How to Dispose of Old and Expired Medication


Expired Medication

When cleaning out your cupboards, you might find old and expired medication and wonder how to handle it. Simply throwing it in the bin might seem like the easiest solution, but that’s not always the best option. This guide will explain how to safely dispose of medication in the UK, including returning it to the pharmacy and when it is appropriate to dispose of it in your household waste.

The Dangers of Improper Medication Disposal

Medications disposed of improperly can harm the environment and others around you. Flushing old medication down the toilet or throwing it in the bin can lead to water and soil contamination, which can be very harmful. Water treatment plants in the UK cannot filter out all the pharmaceutical compounds in your expired medication, meaning you could contaminate the water supply, rivers, and lakes by flushing your medication down the toilet. Throwing old pills in your household waste can also lead to animals accidentally consuming medication, causing unnecessary harm.

You should also consider the potential harm to humans. Keeping unused medications at home can increase the risk of accidental poisoning or intentional misuse. You may forget the medication is out-of-date and consume it without realising it has expired, leading to health issues. To avoid this scenario, it is best to properly dispose of old medication as soon as you notice it has expired.

So, if you can’t simply flush old medication down the toilet or throw it in the bin, what are the safe disposal methods of old medicines in the UK?

How to Dispose of Old Medication in the UK

You should ensure that you safely dispose of medication to avoid misuse and environmental harm. The safest three ways to do this are returning medication to the pharmacy, going to a waste collection point, and safely disposing of medicine in household waste.

Return to the Pharmacy

Returning medication to the pharmacy in the UK is relatively easy, and our recommended solution for what to do with out-of-date medication. Pharmacies are equipped to handle medication disposal responsibly and safely, following UK legislation. They will ensure these expired medications are incinerated in a controlled environment to avoid harm to the environment.

To return medication to the pharmacy, simply:

    1. Gather all your expired or unused medications.
    2. Keep them in their original packaging if possible.
    3. Take them to your local pharmacy and inform the pharmacist you wish to dispose of them.
    4. The pharmacist will then handle disposal from here.

Pharmacists will accept a range of medications, including prescription medication, over-the-counter medicines, and sometimes even pet medication, so you can have peace of mind that your old or unused medication will be accepted no matter what it is.

How Do Pharmacies Dispose of Medications?

Once you have dropped off your expired medication at the pharmacy, waste contractors will collect all the old or unused medication from the pharmacy and transport it to a waste management facility. There, the medication will be sorted and treated according to its type.

Waste Collection Services

You can find local waste collection services that offer medication disposal services in most areas of the UK. These waste services can either come and collect your expired or unused medication, or there may be drop-off points where you can take your old medication. To find a local waste collection service near you, take a look at the Government website.

Disposing of Medicine in Household Waste

If you are unable to take your old medication to the pharmacy or waste collection point, you can dispose of it in your household waste, but this should be a last resort. To safely dispose of expired medication at home, you should follow these steps:

    1. Remove medication from its original packaging.
    2. Recycle the packaging where possible.
    3. Mix the medication with inedible substances such as coffee grounds or dirt to ensure anyone or any animal who might find the disposed medication is less inclined to consume it.
    4. Do not crush the medication.
    5. Place the medication and inedible substance in a sealed container.
    6. You can now throw it in the bin.

You should make sure to follow any instructions on the leaflet or packaging before disposing of the old medication.

Disposing of Expired Medication: Special Circumstances

Inhalers and Aerosols: Any expired or unused inhalers or aerosols should not be disposed of as household waste as they can be hazardous. As with any aerosol, they can explode if punctured or exposed to heat. You should instead ensure you return them to your local pharmacy or waste collection service.

Needles and Sharps: If your expired medication contains needles or other sharps, do not dispose of them in the bin. This can be hazardous, as sharps can cause injury and spread infection. Instead, place them in a designated sharps bin. Once the sharps bin is full, take it to the pharmacy, where it will be stored until it is collected and properly disposed of.

Protect Yourself and Others with the Safe Disposal of Old Medicines

Remember to check the date of all medication before taking it to make sure you are not consuming expired medication!

Ensuring the safe disposal of old medicines is crucial to avoiding harm to the environment and accidental consumption. We highly recommend you take any expired or unused medication to your local pharmacy so it can be disposed of correctly. This is the easiest and safest way to dispose of medicines.

For more health information, look at our Home Health guides.


Can you throw away medication in the UK?

You should aim to safely dispose of medication instead of simply throwing it away. The best way to do this is to take any expired or unused medication to your pharmacy, where they can dispose of it correctly following UK legislation.

Where can I dispose of expired medication in the UK?

There are three ways to safely dispose of medication in the UK. You can:

  • Take expired medication to a pharmacy
  • Use a waste collection service
  • Safely dispose of old medication at home by following the steps described above, but only as a last resort

Can you burn old medication in the UK?

You should not burn old medication yourself, as this can cause harm to you and others around you. The safest ways to dispose of expired or unused medication in the UK are to take it to the pharmacy or use a waste collection service.

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