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Welcome to Home Health’s Blog, where there is loads of information on  general health, the latest diagnostic test kits being released and fantastic guest posts being written by experts within the health industry.

All of the stories and information we bring to our blog we hope you will enjoy and it will be of interest to everyone.

How Covid-19 Affects Different Blood Types and What You Can Do

Published on 22nd January 2021

Recent research suggests that certain blood types are more likely to contract Covid-19 and suffer severe symptoms of Covid-19 than other types. This article looks at the results of four studies from around the world, what they mean and what you can do about it.                     […]

6 Ways to Look After Your Health During Lockdown

Published on 1st January 2021

Whilst staying at home is one of the greatest ways you can protect your health and the lives of others during the Covid-19 pandemic, there are a few more ways to keep you and your family feeling well during lockdown: Eat healthily It may not be as convenient as normal to buy the food you […]

The Home Health Tests You Can Now Order Online

Published on 8th October 2020

DIY vitamin deficiency tests have been around for a while but did you know you can order home health tests, too? If you’re too embarrassed to see a doctor or you can’t get to your GP, DIY health tests can help to alleviate your concerns or give you more information to make necessary lifestyle changes. […]

12 Ways to Treat Psoriasis at Home

Published on 21st September 2020

  With 125 million sufferers worldwide, we look at the best ways to ease and treat psoriasis at home. What is psoriasis? Psoriasis is a non-contagious autoimmune skin condition that results in patches of red, scaly and flaky skin that can be itchy and sore. It can appear anywhere on the body, but most commonly […]

Are You at Risk for Vascular Disease? Read this.

Published on 17th September 2020

September marks vascular disease awareness month. Why should you be aware of it? Because vascular disease is as common as cancer and heart disease, and responsible for 40% of deaths in the UK every year! Many of those deaths are preventable, however. Here’s what you need to know to reduce your risk.   What is […]

How to do a Sperm Test at Home Privately

Published on 12th August 2020

  Men now represent half of all fertility cases in clinics and requests for sperm tests at home have increased. A study in 2017 found that the percentage of men needing fertility treatment has almost doubled in the past decade from 12.4% to 21.3%. There are many reasons why male infertility could be on the […]

How to Help Your Pet Lose Weight in 6 Steps

Published on 12th August 2020

Is it time to help your pet lose weight and improve its health? This August, we celebrate International Cat Day and Dog Appreciation Day. We are indeed a nation of pet lovers. In fact, half of all adults in the UK own a pet, which equates to roughly 10.9 million pet cats and 9.9 million pet […]

The Top 3 Breastfeeding Questions on Google (can you guess?)

Published on 31st July 2020

It’s World Breastfeeding Week from the 1-7 August 2020 and on behalf of the team at Home Health, we’d like to help raise awareness with UNICEF who are calling on governments to support women’s access to help with breastfeeding. Breastfeeding delivers countless benefits to a baby, but it isn’t always easy, and mothers need support […]

Oral Mucositis and How to Treat it

Published on 29th March 2019

What is Oral Mucositis? Oral mucositis is the inflammation of the mouth or your gut causing it to be sore and inflamed. What causes Oral Mucositis? Mucositis is usually a side effect to cancer therapy, it develops when cancer treatment which is killing cancer cells also kills the healthy cells, leading to sores and infection. […]

London man cured of HIV

Published on 12th March 2019

After a second man has been cured of HIV, is there hope for a cure? A second man from London has become the second person ever to be cured of HIV. HIV affects close to 37 million people worldwide and has killed 35 million people worldwide since the pandemic began in the 80’s. The male who […]

Opioid addiction

Published on 27th September 2018

Anyone who takes opioids legally or illegally is at risk of developing opioid addiction. Opioids trigger the release of endorphins making you feel extreme pleasure. When the drug wears off you may find you want those good feelings back. Opioid addiction in the USA is at crisis levels, Donald Trump has called the problem a […]

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment NOW Over the Counter (OTC)

Published on 22nd June 2018

Erectile Dysfunction (OTC) Over the Counter A decision by the MHRA (Medical Healthcare Regulatory Agency) to allow men over 18 to purchase Erectile Dysfunction treatment as an over the counter product without the need for a prescription was announced yesterday  (28/11/17).  This means Britain will be the first country to make this change. The MHRA […]