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Welcome to Home Health’s Blog, where there is loads of information on  general health, the latest diagnostic test kits being released and fantastic guest posts being written by experts within the health industry.

All of the stories and information we bring to our blog we hope you will enjoy and it will be of interest to everyone.

The Best Fertility Supplements for Women

Published on 2nd February 2024

Trying to fall pregnant often involves careful consideration of lifestyle, diet, and the inclusion of supplements to support fertility. In this blog, we’ll explore the world of fertility supplements, shedding light on the benefits, key ingredients, and considerations when choosing the right support for conception. From an overview of essential fertility supplements to those to […]

How Stress Can Affect Your Period

Published on 2nd February 2024

If you have been feeling stressed, whether at work or in your personal life, you may have noticed a change in your period. Find out more about the link between stress and your menstrual cycle in our guide at Home Health. Speak to your doctor for more expert advice on dealing with period symptoms.   […]

Everything You Need to Know About Fertility Lubricant

Published on 2nd February 2024

Navigating the intricate path to parenthood requires careful consideration of various factors, and the choice of lubricants is no exception. In this blog, we delve into the world of fertility-friendly lubricants, exploring what sets them apart, how they can impact fertility, and offering valuable tips to use them effectively. Whether you’re just beginning your conception […]

Rare Disease Day 2024: What You Need To Know

Published on 2nd February 2024

You may have heard of the term “rare disease,” but you may not know what it actually means and the significance it holds. Each year Rare Disease Day hopes to raise awareness for people with rare diseases and to collect donations that contribute to resources and events. In this guide, we tell you everything you […]

World Cancer Day: Awareness for Cancer

Published on 2nd February 2024

Unfortunately, everyone has heard of cancer. As the second leading cause of death in the world, cancer is a formidable force. However, you can do something about this. World Cancer Day hopes to raise awareness about cancer and call on governments across the globe to prioritise cancer prevention and cancer control. By getting involved in […]

Dry January 2024: Tips for a Successful Month

Published on 2nd January 2024

New Year’s resolutions are in full swing every January. With the increasing popularity of Dry January, thousands of people each year decide to go alcohol-free for one month. There are many benefits to reducing your alcohol intake. From saving money to improving your overall health, you can reap the benefits of Dry January by following […]

When Is Flu Season?

Published on 1st December 2023

The flu is a common respiratory illness. You may have had it yourself or heard of the flu vaccine, but if you are wondering what the flu is, including signs and symptoms, as well as ways to avoid it this winter, we have all the information you need. In this blog, we delve into all […]

Decembeard 2023

Published on 1st December 2023

As Movember comes to an end, another awareness day is on the horizon. Decembeard is a campaign created to raise awareness for bowel cancer. In this guide, we highlight the importance of understanding what bowel cancer is, what the signs of bowel cancer are, and how you can get involved in Decembeard this year. What […]

Thrush Treatment for Men Explained

Published on 1st December 2023

While often perceived as a predominantly female concern, thrush is a condition that can affect men, too, though it’s less commonly discussed. Understanding that men can experience thrush is crucial in recognising symptoms and seeking appropriate treatment. Delving into the world of male thrush treatment is not just about addressing discomfort; it’s about taking charge […]

Thrush and Pregnancy: Symptoms, Treatment and Relief

Published on 1st December 2023

Thrush is a common yeast infection that can happen to anyone, but it’s more common and riskier during pregnancy. It occurs when things get out of balance in your body, causing uncomfortable symptoms. When you’re pregnant, all the changes happening in your body, like more hormones and changes down there, can make it easier to […]

World AIDS Day: How You Can Make A Difference

Published on 1st December 2023

World AIDS Day is celebrated annually on December 1st to spread awareness about AIDS, remember those who lost their lives during the AIDS pandemic, and fundraise to end the spread of HIV and AIDS. By spreading awareness about AIDS, we can help end the AIDS pandemic and fight the stigma people with AIDS face. In […]

World Diabetes Day: Everything You Need to Know

Published on 27th October 2023

World Diabetes Day, observed annually on November 14th, is a global initiative dedicated to shedding light on the ever-growing diabetes epidemic, its far-reaching impact, and the urgency of addressing this chronic health condition. In this guide, we will delve into the history, significance, and importance of raising awareness about diabetes, aiming to encourage you to […]