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Welcome to Home Health’s Blog, where there is loads of information on  general health, the latest diagnostic test kits being released and fantastic guest posts being written by experts within the health industry.

All of the stories and information we bring to our blog we hope you will enjoy and it will be of interest to everyone.

Chlamydia: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Published on 5th April 2024

You’ve probably heard of chlamydia before, but are you aware of the ins and outs of this sexually transmitted infection? Most people’s knowledge of chlamydia extends no further than their school health lessons, but they don’t always go in-depth about what to do if you have symptoms of chlamydia. From diagnosis to treatment, this guide […]

Everything You Need to Know About Strep A

Published on 5th April 2024

Strep A is a common bacterial pathogen that you may have heard of but know nothing about! From strep throat to scarlet fever and impetigo, strep A can cause various infections that range from mild to serious. This is why it is important to recognise symptoms caused by strep A so you can seek medical […]

World Health Day 2024

Published on 5th April 2024

World Health Day is held on April 7th to raise awareness for various health themes each year. This year, World Health Day 2024 aims to bring attention to the right to health around the world with the theme My Health, My Right. So, what can you do to help? Take a look at our guide […]

Hypo vs Hyper: The Complete Guide

Published on 5th April 2024

Understanding the difference between hypo and hyper is crucial for managing various health conditions, particularly diabetes. This guide will explore the distinct characteristics of hypoglycemia (hypo) and hyperglycemia (hyper), common symptoms, and effective management strategies. You can take proactive steps to maintain optimal health and well-being by gaining insight into hypo and hyper conditions.   […]

World Kidney Day

Published on 5th April 2024

Join us as we commemorate World Kidney Day, a global initiative dedicated to raising awareness about kidney health and preventing kidney diseases. On this page, we delve into the significance of World Kidney Day! Explore informative content, learn about the importance of kidney function, and discover ways to support kidney health.   What is World […]

12 Reasons Your Period May Be Late

Published on 5th April 2024

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery through understanding your menstrual cycle is a powerful step in taking charge of your reproductive health. This blog explores why your period may be late, exploring various factors, from lifestyle choices to reproductive milestones. Whether you’re seeking clarity on what counts as a late period or contemplating the influences […]

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Published on 5th April 2024

Each year, over 7,400 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, making it the 6th most common cancer among women. With early diagnosis and the right treatment, 9/10 women survive. However, this isn’t the reality for most women. In fact, 2/3 of women are diagnosed late. To support the research into the prevention, detection and treatment […]

National No Smoking Day: What You Need To Know

Published on 5th April 2024

It can be hard to quit smoking without the correct advice and tools. No Smoking Day gives you that extra push to stop smoking, providing you with all the right information you need. In this guide, we break down everything you need to know about quitting smoking, the key messages from National No Smoking Day […]

Recurring Thrush: Why Do I Get Thrush Every Month?

Published on 5th February 2024

Dealing with thrush once is discomforting enough, but facing its return every month can be both baffling and frustrating. Recurrent thrush, characterised by persistent bouts of this yeast infection, often leaves individuals seeking answers. Understanding why it keeps coming back is essential in finding lasting relief. Let’s delve into the complexities of this recurring issue […]

Side Effects of the Flu Jab

Published on 5th February 2024

Every year, millions of people in the UK contract the flu virus. Common symptoms of this respiratory illness include a high temperature, sore throat, and muscle aches. To minimise the effects of these symptoms, it is recommended you get the flu jab each year. The flu jab protects you from most common types of the […]

Treating Colds and Flu at Home

Published on 5th February 2024

Every year, millions of people catch a cold or the flu. With the rapid spread of these viruses from October to March, knowing different ways to treat a cold or flu at home is essential to ensure you return to your usual self quickly. From various medications to natural at-home remedies, we have listed our […]

Everything You Need To Know About Veganuary

Published on 2nd February 2024

Veganuary is another challenge set in January, just like Dry January. The main purpose of Veganuary is for individuals to try a vegan diet for a month to see how it can benefit their health and contribute to the broader aims of Veganuary. This guide tells you everything you need to know about Veganuary and […]