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Simple, accurate health tests for the home and the workplace.

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Home Health (UK) Ltd are dedicated to becoming a more sustainable and ethical business. We are always looking for ways we can improve our business model to continue to offer a high level of service and excellent variety and quality of products for our customers, whilst also minimising any negative impact on the environment. We are also passionate about creating a welcoming, inclusive and rewarding working environment for our dedicated team and have developed a series of progressive policies that go above and beyond what is legally required.

To aid us in achieving these goals, we regularly review our policies below to ensure they meet or exceed all relevant legislation and are always open to suggestions on how we can do better.

Environmental Management Policy

Carbon Reduction Plan

Home Health Anti-Slavery Statement

Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy

Quality Policy

As part of our Quality Policy, we regularly monitor all customer feedback on all platforms and seek to rectify any issues that arise. We know how important the tests we sell are and we ensure we only ever offer accurate and reliable products to our customers. We personally QC check every product before taking on a new line and for our most critical lines (drug of abuse tests, blood glucose monitors, urinalysis tests, cancer marker tests, pregnancy tests, and ovulation tests) we QC check every single batch that arrives into us before it is allowed to be sent to customers. In addition to our own checks, we also subscribe to a variety of NEQAS and WEQAS testing schemes where our tests are blind checked against positive and negative samples on a regular basis.

Charitable Causes

We are always looking at ways we can give back to our local community and in 2020 our managing director was awarded the Hero of Hertfordshire award in recognition of donations we made to local charities, hospitals, hospices and care homes during the COVID pandemic. In 2022, we were honoured to be invited to attend the Queen’s Garden Party in recognition of our continued contributions to local causes.

We also regularly hold awareness days with associated fundraising. In the past 12 months we have held awareness days for menopause, prostate cancer, breast cancer and International Women’s Day and have raised money for a variety of incredible causes including Women’s Aid and Maggie’s.

In addition, as part of our matched giving policy, we pledge to match all donations up to a minimum of £1,000.

Working for Home Health

(Staff Handbook)
We are very lucky to have such a dedicated and hard-working team and we want to make sure that every person feels valued. There are various benefits of working for Home Health, (full details of our policies can be found in our staff handbook), but some key highlights include:

living wage logo


Home Health UK are proud to be an accredited Living Wage employer and are committed to paying the UK Living Wage, as set by the Living Wage Foundation. The real Living Wage is higher than the government’s minimum, or National Living Wage, and is an independently calculated hourly rate of pay that is based on the actual cost of living. It is calculated each year and is announced by the Living Wage Foundation as part of Living Wage Week and it is currently £12.00 in the UK. We voluntarily choose to pay the real Living Wage because we believe that a hard day’s work deserves a fair day’s pay.



Working hours

We are also officially accredited as a Living Hours Employer by the The Living Wage Foundation. This means that everyone is entitled to at least 4 Weeks’ notice of shifts, a contract that reflects the hours they regularly work and a guaranteed minimum of 16 hours’ of work per week. Our commitment to Living Hours builds upon our existing Living Wage accreditation to provide our staff with the security and stability of hours they need to meet their everyday needs. The standard has been developed to ensure that people have the predictable working patterns and income to better plan their lives.


Annual holidays

Our team work incredibly hard and so it is important that they take time away from work for themselves. Everyone is entitled to 25 days’ holiday per annum, plus the public holidays (pro rata for part-time and fixed-term employees). Everyone is encouraged to take their annual allowance but we also allow them to either carry over or sell back up to 5 days per year to give more flexibility and to avoid them losing any holiday.

We are also very proud to have such a loyal team with incredibly low staff turnover, and we reward extra holiday days (up to an extra 5 days per year) based on length of service.

Furthermore, we recently introduced a Sabbatical Policy, so that team members could take that holiday of a lifetime whilst maintaining full job security.

Sick pay

No-one should feel compelled to come to work when they are unwell, so Home Health UK offers enhanced sick pay for all, where everyone is paid in full for a minimum of 2 weeks’ sickness absence per annum. This allows them to rest and focus on looking after themselves without any fear of financial penalty.


In the past few years we have introduced both a cycle to work scheme and an electric car scheme, allowing our team to save money whilst also reducing their carbon footprint.

Menopause and Menstruation Policies

We want to make sure our whole team feels supported and understood. We encourage everyone to be understanding of anyone that is suffering and will do our best to support said people in any way we can. We want to break down the stigma around menopause and menstruation and always make sure we are stocked with sanitary towels, pain relief and heating and cooling pads for free. 70% of our team are women and we have made sure that everyone has a dedicated female manager they can discuss any issues with.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

We take mental health very seriously and are committed to promoting a healthy and supportive workplace. We have 5 team members trained in basic Mental Health First Aid to be able to support and offer basic advice. We also have 2 mental health leads and 5 mental health champions as part of the Herts Healthy Workplace Programme (HHW). We have introduced a variety of new initiatives and policies in our quest tobetter support the mental and physical health of all our team members, including the conversion of a meeting room into a dedicated wellness room (fitted out with a super comfy sofa, bean bag chairs and air purifying plants, as well as a variety of fidget toys and jigsaw and word puzzles. It has been a real collaborative effort, with everyone getting involved, offering ideas and feedback.

We also now offer an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) through Spill, where everyone gets a minimum of 8 hours’ therapy every year for free. We encourage everyone to make use of this as we try and remove the stigma around mental health and seeking help.

In addition, we have partnered with the brilliant Sanchia from Head to Toe Harmony to offer all staff the opportunity to receive a 20-minute wellness treatment each month. Staff can choose between a variety of massages or reflexology.

In recognition of our efforts, we recently achieved our Level 1 Award from HHW! We are not resting on our laurels though and have already started working towards attaining Level 2 – in May we celebrated National Walking Month by giving everyone an additional 20 minute break each week so they could go for a walk. To try and encourage maximum involvement, we set a target of a combined 75 miles walked across the 5 weeks of May – if we beat it, we would get lunch in for everyone. It seems we did not set a tough enough target though, as everybody embraced the challenge and walked a mammoth 116 miles!!

Due to the overwhelmingly positive response to the challenge, we decided to make it a permanent policy, where everyone is now encouraged to take an additional 20 minute break every week to go for a walk or run 🙂

Family friendly Policies

Maternity pay

Team members with more than 2 years’ service are entitled to enhanced maternity pay. Full details are set out in our Maternity Leave policy. Everyone, regardless of the length of their employment, are entitled to 52 weeks’ statutory maternity leave.

Enhanced adoption pay

Team members with more than 2 years’ service are entitled to enhanced adoption pay. Full details are set out in our Adoption Leave policy.