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Senior Health


Published on 9th May 2015

What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a medical term for the thinning and weakening of the bones, it literally means ‘porous bones’. If this deterioration in the bones goes untreated, our skeleton eventually becomes very fragile and some bones will be likely to break or fracture with a minor bump or fall. The bones and osteoporosis […]

Blood Pressure

Published on 9th May 2015

What is blood pressure? As the blood circulates around the body, it is under pressure. The blood pressure is a result of the pumping action of the heart and the resistance of the vessels, through which the blood flows. When blood pressure is high it puts an unnecessary strain on the heart and blood vessels. […]


Published on 9th May 2015

What is gastritis? Gastritis is a broad term for inflammation or irritation of the lining of the stomach. Gastritis can occur suddenly ( acute gastritis) or gradually ( chronic gastritis). The term ‘acute’ means that the attacks are short, not necessarily that the symptoms are severe. The term ‘chronic’ means the infection has developed slowly […]


Published on 9th May 2015

What is constipation? Constipation is when your bowel movements are less frequent and more difficult than normal. Normal bowel habit can vary with each individual and this can be anything from 3 stools per day to 3 per week. A stool should be solid but moist and easy to pass. Constipation is a common problem, […]


Published on 9th May 2015

What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a soft waxy substance and is an essential body fat (lipid), that is carried around the body in the blood, it can be found in all the body’s cells. Only a small amount of the cholesterol in the body comes from your diet, it is mostly made in the body […]

Breast Cancer

Published on 9th May 2015

What is breast cancer? The organs and tissues of the body are made up of over 100 million tiny building blocks called cells. Cancer happens when something goes wrong inside just one of these cells. Although cells in different parts of the body may look and work differently, most repair and reproduce themselves in the […]

Colon/Bowel cancer

Published on 9th May 2015

What is Colon cancer? Colon cancer, also known as colon and rectal cancer, is a cancer that develops as a result of abnormal changes in the cells that line the bowel. The bowel is part of the digestive system, it is divided into the small bowel (small intestine) and the large bowel (colon and rectum). […]

Back Pain

Published on 9th May 2015

What is back pain? Back pain is very common and a major cause of disability and people having days off work. The majority of back pain problems are not serious and only last a few days or weeks and will usually sort themselves out. Back pain might also be referred to as lumbago. Pain in […]


Published on 9th May 2015

What is arthritis and rheumatism? Arthritis is an inflammation of one or more joints in the body, though the term is used to describe almost all problems associated with the joints. You may have heard of arthritis referred to as rheumatism. Rheumatism is a term that most people are familiar with, it is a very […]

CardioVascular Disease (CVD) – Heart Disease & Stroke

Published on 9th May 2015

On this page we describe the causes, symptoms, treatment and most importantly measures you can take to avoid cardiovascular disease. CardioVascular Disease (CVD) is among the main causes of premature death in the U.K., it is a term that describes diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The main forms of CVD are Coronary Heart […]

Alzheimers Disease

Published on 9th May 2015

What is Alzheimer’s disease? Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder which gradually destroys the ability to learn, reason, imagine and remember. The name Alzheimer’s comes from a German neurologist called Dr Alois Alzheimer, who in 1906 discovered abnormal clumps and irregular knots of brain cells in a woman, who had died of an unknown mental […]


Published on 9th May 2015

What is the menopause? Menopause is the medical term used for the last menstrual period a woman will ever have. However, the term is more often used to describe the years leading up to this time, also called the ‘change of life’ or just ‘the change’. This period is more accurately known as climacteric. Menopause […]